Thursday, 13 October 2011

Undead : Short Essay Response

There are many difficult parts of the production process. In the making of UNDEAD there were many challenges because of their low budget. What I find to be most to be the most difficult in the production process is location scouting during pre-production, costuming during the production stage and editing the film during post-production.

                A difficult part of the production process is location scouting. In UNDEAD, the directors had to choose locations where it best suited the film, these we’re in the middle of nowhere and seemed rare to find. I believe it is difficult to find the exact place you pictured, even though you could still change it. There aren’t unlimited places in the world, and a studio is still very limited, even more so with a limited budget.  The setting isn’t the only difficult thing to construct.

                Costume design in a film of various roles may require lots of work and thinking. You have to choose the best costume that would work. Sometimes when you picture a character in a different set of clothes, they look completely different. Finding the correct outfit for every character is a difficult task. Some costumes are also difficult to create such as the zombies in UNDEAD. The characters in UNDEAD were costumed nicely and they seemed to fit in the time and place they were in. Costumes design is a challenging part in the production process, but the thing that allows a film to become a film is even more challenging.

                Editing the film is a long process and requires attention to lots of detail. Scenes need to flow and the film shouldn’t leave an audience thinking about the actually quality of the film. The number of frames of the scenes is something I believe is a challenge, a frame too short or too long may leave an audience staring at a picture for no reason, or not enough time to capture what was being shown to them. In the production of UNDEAD, there were certain takes which couldn’t be used. To solve this they used extra shots that they got and insert them in various places. This is a problem the film of my own production could have.

                The challenges that I envisage for my own production in Term 4 will probably consist of these three, location scouting, costuming and editing. Location for our own little film will be difficult because we don’t have lots of power to control any environment we please. We have some sort of control indoors but if we were to be outdoors there would be much interference. Costuming may also cause a problem, if we wanted to create a character with a certain personality or occupation, we would need the suitable clothing. Within our own wardrobes however, we have our usual wear, and costumes would have to be created using time or bought using an invisible budget. Editing will also cause a challenge because as young adolescents, we have not been exposed to editing technology and it will be very new to us. Getting every frame correct will also cause a problem to create a great film, to top that off we also have a time limit.

                The most challenging aspects of the production process are location scouting, costuming and editing.  These are three of the many other challenges that creating a film possesses. In UNDEAD these were indeed a challenge.


1 comment:

  1. By reading this i now know the difficulties that they encountered during the production process for the film.
